Monday, February 15, 2010

the good, the bad, and the ugly

i tried everything in my attempt to give up deodorant (if you missed my journey go here, here, and here for more information).

so the saga continued  . . .

Then, one day I was lookin too fine and feelin so sexy UNTIL I raised my hands and nearly fell out from the stank that double smacked me in my face! 

Enough was enough. Ya'll can't say that I didn't try. 

I left work IMMEDIATELY and went to the nearest Walgreens to seek additional protection.

The problem with my homemade deodorant is that it wasn't strong enough to fight the sweat, which caused the hideous odor. 

HOWEVER I will be going back to the drawing board.  You never know I may create the next natural deodorant.

I did purchase some natural deodorant at Walgreens.  It's called Tom's of Maine Natural Care Deodorant Stick.  Tom's is Aluminum-free, it contains no artificial or animal ingredients, and it is effective, long lasting, and natural.  I purchased it on sale for about $4.  It is definitely worth it.

The moral of the story is to pick yourself up after being knocked down by your stanking self and try something stronger.  lol.

still chasing honey . . .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hilarious! Your journey has been like the funniest thing to watch. LoL!