Tuesday, November 10, 2009

dc sniper executed

declared dead at 9:11 p.m

executed by lethal injection at the greensville correctional center in virginia

death takes up to seven minutes but the entire preparation can take as long as two hours.

the intravenous injection is usually a sequence of drugs given in a set sequence designed to first induce unconsciousness followed by death through paralysis of respiratory muscles and/or by cardiac arrest through depolarization of cardiac muscle cells.

muhammed has continued to profess his innocence during two long trials and in several years of legal appeals. virginia governor tim kaine denied a last minute clemency request from muhammad's lawyers today, closing off what is likely to be his last avenue of appeal.

check out muhammed's hand written letter to the judge

What are your thoughts on Muhammed's execution? What are your thoughts on the death penalty? 

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