Thursday, October 22, 2009

Product Spotlight: Aloe Vera

When I was younger my parents would always try to make my sisters and I eat aloe vera.  We hated the bitterness of the plant and refused to do so.  The older I get the more I realize that all the yucky stuff my parents tried to get us to eat/drink are really beneficial to the body.

Aloe Vera is one of the oldest plants known to mankind.  The Bible (Psalms 45:8 and John 19:38-40) references this plant and its medicinal/healing properties.  Cleopatra is reputed to have bathed in it before charming Mark Anthony. The ancient Greeks used it to cure everything from baldness to insomnia and the Native Americans called aloe vera the “Wand of the Heaven.”

Aloe Vera can be taken internally or applied externally to the skin or hair. Aloe vera produces at least six natural antiseptics, which are able to kill mold, bacteria, funguses, and viruses. Aloe Vera can be used for a host of things like:

  1. Burns/Sunburns (split the plant and rub the meat onto the wound)
  2. Alleviate Asthma (boil plant and breath in vapor)
  3. Insect Bites (split the plant and rub the meat onto the wound)
  4. Hair Growth (massage on scalp let sit for 30 mins. then rinse out)
  5. Eczema/Psorasis (split the plant and rub the meat onto the wound)
  6. Exfoliant (sea salt, aloe vera, honey, coconut oil) 
  7. Athletes Food (split the plant and rub the meat onto the wound)
  8. Toner (split the plant and rub the meat onto face)
  9. Acne (split the plant and rub the meat onto the wound)
  10. Indigestion (drink aloe vera juice)
This list is in no way exhaustive of the many uses of aloe vera. 

What other ways have you used Aloe Vera?

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