Friday, October 9, 2009

freedom fridays: i gotta get some things off my chest

Some Things I Hate* . . .
  1. Getting kissed on top of my head. That's so nasty to me. What happens if the person's hair is dirty? I guess, you just get a mouth full of dandruff.
  2. People putting too much information on Facebook. It's a social NETWORKING site for God's sake. I do not want to see strippers, you giving birth, your butt cheeks in a homemade photo shoot, and please don't think that you are going to get a record album because you write a rap on every one of your status updates.
  3. Black people with blond weaves and green/blue/hazel contacts. I don't give a damn what y'all say, it screams, "I HATE MYSELF!"
  4. Men who grow their hair and wear it in a puff when it's not done. I can't begin to tell you how much I can't stand a man with a ponytail.
  5. Cold Fries. I always tell fast food restaurants no salt. Ladies and Gents this guarantees fries from the drop.
  6. When I ask the lady at McDonalds/Burger King/Wendy's for an extra honey mustard sauce and she/he says 25 cents. Yo, does your momma/daddy own this franchise? Damn, how you expect me to eat a damn 12 piece chicken nugget with one sauce.
  7. Getting some food, going home to eat it, and once I sit at the table I realize that the restaurant forgot something or didn't make it the way I asked. Oh please believe, I call and tell them I'm picking up the next day or I make my way back to the spot and have them remake my entire order.
  8. Ladies, who insist on not cutting their hair, because they need long hair to survive, despite their damaged and thinning ends.
  9. Grown folk who suck their thumb.
  10. When I find an aluminum can in my garbage. Yes I did said can! One is enough to get me twisting my neck, rolling my eyes, and getting on the mic at a party and asking, "Which one of you threw this can in the garbage?" Just like this messes up my vibe, I am going to mess up yours. It gets me enraged because I always tell folk who come to my house to not throw cans, bottles, paper, and anything recyclable in the garbage. Just RECYCLE for Pete's sake.

*This list is in no particular order

~still chasing honey

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember when you used to throw garbage out of the car window. LMAO! Now you recycle and all that good stuff. Look at you. LoL! And tell me why you hate on dudes with the puff pull back? Would you prefer a huge afro? Listen, on the day before you can get your hair re-twisted or braided dudes are at high risk of the puff pull back. When you have so much hair it is easier when it is pulled back; not in eyes, making it hard to pull a shirt on, itchy your ears, making you look like you got bangs, subjecting yourself to the smashing of the afro, etc. Stop hating on these dudes without knowing their situation! Next time you see a dude with the puff pull back, walk up and ask him, "How long have you had that on your head?" If he says, "Two weeks" tell him that its unacceptable. But if he says, "I took my braids out last night and I'm getting my hair braided the day after next," then give the boy some slack!