Monday, December 28, 2009

Kwanzaa Day 3: Ujima

UJIMA (oo-JEE-mah)/Collective Work and Responsibility

Have you ever had to do team work and found yourself doing all of the work?  Or were you the person who shoved all the work onto someone else?  I like to term those situations the case of A TEAM OF ONE.  The finished product of the project will either be:

1.  The person who did all of the work, did a hell of a job BUT no one else learned anything.  You know you have a case of A TEAM OF ONE when the team at the front of the class has only one person answering all of the questions.  --OR--
2.  The person completes the project but a part of it suffers because they alone couldn't handle all of the work alone.  It is team work, right?! 

The case of A TEAM OF ONE is not only prevalent in school work but also in our community.  Our community is that project that suffers because we don't work together.  Our community's problem is OUR problem.  It's issues do not only affect one person but it affects us all directly and indirectly.

It is important to remember that yes, we are INDIVIDUALS, and we must celebrate our individuality. But we are also a PEOPLE.  A people with not only the power but the RESPONSIBILTY to change our neighborhoods, our communities, and our nations.

I think Mama Joe from Soul Food sums up the definition of Ujima best: One finger won't make an impact, but you ball all those fingers into a fist, and you can strike a mighty blow. Now, this family has got to be that fist.

still chasing honey . . .

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