Thursday, August 20, 2009

Advice To A 19 YO 1L

Dear Ms. 19 YO:

As a new attorney who doesn't foresee a career in law, I want to pass on some advice I wished someone would have told me.

1. girl you are a genius, copping law school debt is no joke. you scored a 174 on the LSAT and you graduated with a 3.4 GPA. you can go to a top law school and not pay a cent out of pocket.

2. don't go to law school for the heck of it. i truly believe that if you attend law school you should use your law degree in some capacity. you want to be a science fiction author -- girl find a less stressful route to attain your goal.

3. you are young and you have no real responsibilities. i wish i could go back to your age or to the time after graduating from undergrad. i would have volunteered with an organization and travelled the world. your life changes once you have student loans in repayment, it's like having children, everything you do revolves around them.

4. because i know that despite other's advice you will attend law school i would encourage you to remain true to your passion for social justice. Many times law schools push big law firm in your face and you almost feel pressured to move in that realm. Stay firmly rooted to your true legal passion. But also remember that after you graduate you will be a slave to a ridiculous amount of debt. Figure out how you are going to handle this large debt while working in the public interest area or as being an author.

5. when you feel a muscle spasm in the back of your neck, know that it's normal. don't be scared just massage it a little and get back to work.

Source, Source

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