Monday, September 21, 2009

DIY: Bantu Knots

So my sister Aretha has been natural for over a decade. I'll feature her soon. I put some bantu knots in her hair and later took them down and styled her hair into a fauxhawk. 

STEP 1:  Banut Knots: double strand the hair

This is how your head should look when you complete the process.

*You can wear your hair like this until for about 2 weeks. Knots will loosen up. After you have worn the bantu knots out you can style your hair any way you want. The hair is extremely curly and cute so there are tons of styles you can do to it. We decided to do a fauxhawk.

STEP 2:  After you have double stranded the hair, twist around the base until you reach the end of the hair. Tuck the tip of the hair into the knot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh snap! Get em Aretha!!!!